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Ok I survived, but it was not all plain sailing, the first problem occurred as soon as i was returned from the O.R. when it was discovered that I am one of those inconsiderate people who'se bodies treat painkillers like poison. I have never had any kind of major surgery before and so have never needed high dose analgesics but it seems that if you give me morphine or any of its cousins I just absorb it but it fails to stop the pain.They give you a switch and when the green light goes on you can press the switch and recieve another dose of morphine, great in principal but not for me, until the medics figured out what was wrong I was slowly poisoning myself and would have died.
I am not over dramatising this there were people tasked with stopping me from sleeping as if I fell asleep my breathing would stop as the morphine had affected the natural breathing reflex.
Needless to say as I am sitting here typing this,with a load of hard work from a great team of nurses and doctors I am now on the road to recovery and will try to post more often .At this time I can only walk with the aid of crutches and this makes sitting at the computer uncomfortable, but hopefully soon things will improve. I will see you all soon , ogri
Not good, not good at all!
Painkillers can be some nasty stuff which is why Ap0k only took 6 after each surgery. He then refused to take anymore. They gave him 80 Vicoden and in the end I flushed 68 of them down the toilet.
Glad to hear you are starting to get better though. Now we will be able to use you for a rain detector!
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