
Thursday, March 10, 2005

Black Day

Well the day I dreaded has finally come. Play a dirge, fly the flag at half mast,beat your chest and moan, for Ogri mad biker supreme has hung up his helmet for the last time.

A few months ago my orthopaedic surgeon told me that my right knee is now so badly damaged by arthrytis that it will have to be replaced and that the idea of riding a motorcycle was not exactly sensible, but being me I used my usual strategy of ignoring it and hoping that it would go away. But finally after a long talk with H.B. she managed to perseude me that I was being stupid as I was only going to get 1 shot at the knee replacement and if I screwed it up I would be walking like I'd crapped in my pants for the rest of my life.

So this morning Big Red, my beloved Honda V.F.R 750 left with craig ,her new owner .At least he seems like a good guy who will treat her well, I really do hope he has as good a time with her as I have had.

I will miss the cameraderie of fellow motorcyclists and promise to stay in touch with the guys and girls who I have met.What I wont miss are the geriatric volvo drivers who seem to develop myopia (short sightedness) whenever a bike comes within 1000 miles of them.

Oh well thats my whinge for today over, tomorrow is Red Nose day when "normal" people do crazy thing to raise funds for charity .Always good for a laugh watching people make twits of themselves for a good cause.

I end for today with a short poem with credit to the late Spike Milligan to whom i appologise forstealing his words.

So I tell you my dear, the meaning is clear.
If you are offered bad food dont eat it.
Turn the offer down flat,
Don your travelling hat,
put an egg in your boot
And beat it.

Love Y'all Ogri.


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